1. Earn the Customer with Unique Brand Content on Your eCommerce Site

    This blog is part of a series about how and why retail brands must “earn the customer” – their trust and loyalty – to remain competitive in a digital world.

    Do you own your customer relationships? Or are you the “Hanes” of your vertical, allowing major retailers and/or online marketplaces to call the shots when it comes to connecting with consumers? While a multi-channel retail strategy, including online marketplaces, is key for many brands to effectively reach their audiences, having a branded eCommerce site is critical for capturing and retaining customers as a competitive advantage, particularly as more shopping moves online, in part as a result of the global pandemic. 

  2. Product Bundling Strategies to Increase eCommerce Revenue

    Why do we buy things we don’t actually need? Emotion plays a big role; purchasing a product can make you feel good about yourself (workout clothes) or that you belong to a community of others who share your values (shoes made from recycled materials). Most of us also like to get a good deal (admit it: getting the most for your money has brought a smile to your face). You can build an emotional connection with your products through brand building and creating compelling lifestyle content. But you also can tap into the power of “good-deal glee” with a smart product bundling strategy. 

  3. Change or Die: eHouse’s Path to Reinvention

    It’s hard to believe, but eHouse turns 18 this year. It’s eye-opening to look back through time and see how eHouse has changed and evolved over the years. It certainly hasn’t been a straightforward trajectory. But our varied journey has shaped us, giving us broad experience and building our resilience to find opportunity and face challenges as they come. 

  4. Boost eCommerce UX Engagement with Augmented reality Shopping

    eCommerce growth is nothing new to retail, but with the coronavirus pandemic, brands are having to quickly evolve to meet the needs of consumers. Many reports are showing eCommerce growth for essentials and even sales comparable to BFCM but other industries are going to need to help customers shop in a new way as we all learn to adapt to our new way of life.

    Since 2016, we’ve seen increased use of AR by retailers. If you haven’t checked out AR in the last few years, you may be surprised by how much it has improved (in large part thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning and mobile device technology). There has been a large improvement with how brands are using it to create engaging user experiences, and how much shoppers want AR. For example, an Accenture survey found that 61% of consumers said they were interested in using augmented reality to help them better determine how clothes would fit when shopping online.

  5. [RESOURCES] New Covid-19 eCommerce Landscape Requires New Strategies

    These are tough times for retail. While eCommerce sales might be up, many omnichannel brands and specific categories are taking a hit. There’s also a lot of anxiety, both personal and financial, due to Covid-19 and an impending recession. We feel it too. 

    We’re also having a moment of information overload from all of the articles, tips and reports being produced. To help you weed through and find information you can use to determine what modified strategies are right for your business, we thought it would be helpful to provide a roundup of and key takeaways from what we’ve found insightful. As we come across new articles and resources, we’ll continue to update this blog, so be sure to check back.

  6. Need a Smart Email Marketing Strategy? Focus on Customer Segmentation

    Despite the increasing use of messaging apps and social media, good old email continues to outperform them all when it comes to customer acquisition, retention and revenue. And when you create personalized emails that deliver relevant messages and offers to specific audiences – like your most profitable or engaged customers – the power of email really becomes apparent. One survey concluded that segmented email campaigns (vs. one-size-fits-all campaigns) could increase email revenue as much as 760%! Another survey reported that targeted emails generate 58% of companies’ overall revenue. That’s nothing to sneeze at.

  7. How to Build Successful eCommerce Brands

    We know you’re running a business. You need to optimize conversion rates and grow your revenue. This requires an eCommerce site that provides a seamless shopping experience. However, to stay competitive in the long term, this also requires you to build your brand.  What does this mean? Brand building is about more than increasing brand recognition. Successful brands are those that elicit an emotional connection (e.g., by creating a desired culture/lifestyle, promoting the brand story and purpose), making consumers care so much so that it entices them to purchase the eCommerce brand’s products.