1. 8 Tactics for Collecting Zero-party and First-party Data to Fuel Your eCommerce Business

    It’s a mantra at eHouse Studio: brands must work to earn the customer. Beyond providing products and services consumers need and want, beloved brands with loyal customers also provide great customer experiences. If you can’t compete on experience, you’re boxed into competing on price, which can become a race to the bottom. Not an ideal situation for most eCommerce merchants. 

  2. 4 Ways to Optimize Your Shopify Plus eCommerce Site to Improve Your Core Web Vitals

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical to your eCommerce business -- and let’s be real, specifically for Google. Nearly 88% of consumers use Google as their search engine. Therefore, as a savvy eCommerce merchant, you should care when Google makes any changes to its SEO ranking algorithm. The latest update from the power on high: Core Web Vitals. 

  3. How Your eCommerce Brand Can Be More Sustainable

    Consumers care about your brand’s impact on the planet. This interest continues to amplify, with 90% of consumers saying they are equally or more concerned with environmental issues now compared to before the pandemic. Another survey reported that nearly three-quarters (72%) of consumers are actively purchasing more environmentally friendly products than they did five years ago.